December 24, 2006



Along with inviting FDI inflows into India , we are importing western world's Islam bashing techniques too. In Britain, a MP said that he was 'uncomfortable' with women wearing veil & meeting him, the world clanged on to the issue & his popularity rose. Debates started in India too about the backwardness & the orthodox Islam. Why? Why can't we let them preach their religion as they want? They have full right to wear what they want & to remain attached to their symbols. This bashing & accusation would force them more into ghettos & alienate from the rest. Has anyone ever raised the issue of gals wearing nothing & modeling on ramps? Doesn't that make those white men & us (the cultural Indians) uncomfortable? The problem with us is that we see Muslims from only the fundamentalist eye & want to keep them engaged in irrelevant issues. Banning of the head scarves of Muslims in France is & should be treated as oppressive as the ban on the turbans of Sikhs.

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