June 22, 2007

Is this our Kalam?

What hunger of power & fame can do to a widely perceived learned & noble man; can be seen from the recent act of Dr. Kalam clearly "demanding" another term. Earlier he rejected & decried the offer by NDA as his win was impossible because of zero support from any other front. But when he saw the consolidation of the 3 rd front & the NDA in doldrums, he sensed consensus among these two & some possible cross voting from UPA members. This selfishness & astuteness from a man of his stature & caliber wasn't expected & is an act of sheer oddity.
UPA & the left have projected a right, clean & experienced candidate in the shape of Mrs. Pratibha Patil & they should stand by her & make her the 1 st ever woman president of India. Some may label it as tokenism of women empowerment but tokenism only leads to trendism & after a PM from minority community, UPA is up in front of setting up historic examples.