December 24, 2006



It's impossible to decipher what we Indians really want from the govt. Having surpassed the limits of selfishness, we want all the seven colors in our courtyard without worrying for the bigger gloomy picture outside. We expect the govt. to save our illegal structures in the capital, to serve global items, malls & SEZs but don't want to give land for it! We want all the farmer loans to be wavered off (thousands of crores) & high MSPs for them, but as consumers we want everything at lowest price! We don't want the govt. to decide the pharmaceutical rates as then we the retailers will make less profit, but on the other hand we talk of providing cheap medicines to needy! Our business class brothers don't pay the due taxes but are the front runners in protests & bandhs regarding fuel hike! From where will the cash come to spend on social sector? The self proclaimed intellectuals & economists of India should stop making hue & cry & let the 'real' ones in the UPA govt. carry on the good & hard thought work.

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