November 08, 2006

Secular Dilemma

From recent events & happenings what seems is that being 'secular' has come in the way of decision & policy making of our PM & the President. After announcing the hefty vidharbha package, the strongly speculated relief package for Punjab farmers was not announced by the PM on his visit to the state leaving many astounded. Was that because he doubted being called a 'sikh' PM rather than the Indian PM? And the clemency plea of Afzal is pending on the President's table but even if he wants to change the hanging to a life sentence, he'll think twice due to the qualm of being labeled 'muslim biased'. You might jump now & say a big NO but we all will be the ones who'll keep gossiping about the non existing biasing & tarnish the undoubted secular image of these two leaders. With a Sikh PM & a Muslim President, we are at the un-scaled heights of secularism on 'paper' but at 'hearts'…??

Missing Rationalism

I’m sorry to say this but maybe we Indians have lost the way of thinking rationally or as ‘west’ says we are emotional fools no doubt! We have criticized Kashmiris & many liberals & intellectuals for supporting clemency plea of M.Afzal, a man who doesn’t fit in rarest of rare cases of death penalty & is not directly linked to parliament attack. His trial is suspected & he fought the case without a lawyer too. On the other hand, lots of Indian hands & voices have come up for supporting Saddam & criticizing his sentence. He is the same man who culled thousands of innocents & subjected more too severe atrocities. What makes us think & act so abruptly & absurdly? Maybe the emotional anti-US stance has lead to the support of saddam!!