“The man of words and actions”, “the man of no nonsense”. These aphorisms go extremely well for our PM, Dr. Manmohan S. Few months back when he said that Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism like us, many self appointed analysts and critics tried to make him sound like a kid and novice. The opposition went for his neck and even demanded his resignation on it.
Without too much of wait the reality is in the courtyard for us to see and introspect. From past one week, in the post “lal masjid operation”, Pakistan is being subjected to deadly suicide bombings killing hundreds of innocents. Such episodes of crisis have always loomed over them but the final nail has been drawn into the coffin now. The only difference is, India bears foreign terrorism and the Pakistanis are a victim to home made and cooked terrorism.
After Singh’s 1991 success story following the criticism then also, the surd is poised to make this tenure of his a mark of political integrity and veracity. In no time people will have to acknowledge his views be it making LOC the LOP (see line of piece) or showing concern for Indians arrested in foreign countries.
Without too much of wait the reality is in the courtyard for us to see and introspect. From past one week, in the post “lal masjid operation”, Pakistan is being subjected to deadly suicide bombings killing hundreds of innocents. Such episodes of crisis have always loomed over them but the final nail has been drawn into the coffin now. The only difference is, India bears foreign terrorism and the Pakistanis are a victim to home made and cooked terrorism.
After Singh’s 1991 success story following the criticism then also, the surd is poised to make this tenure of his a mark of political integrity and veracity. In no time people will have to acknowledge his views be it making LOC the LOP (see line of piece) or showing concern for Indians arrested in foreign countries.