October 16, 2006

afzal hanging issue


The debate on Capital Punishment can go on & on but there's an urgent need to address the issue of M.Afzal's Death Sentence. As per the present law, capital punishment is valid (in rare of the rarest cases) & the clemency plea recognized too. So if the President considers the mercy issue there's no need for me & you to make hue & cry. The main aim of the judiciary in this case is to make sure the guilty is severely punished & more such attacks are deterred. This parliament attack killing calls for special status considering its sensitivity. It has to be made sure that more Afzal's are not born by mere provocation & revenge feeling & we don't create a martyr of a national culprit. More punishing would be to keep him languishing in severe imprisonment for whole of his life and make his identity lost & invalid. We just can't afford to repeat the 1984 Butt episode.

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