October 01, 2011

Unsung Hero of the Indian Freedom Struggle

"ਸੇਵਾ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਜਿੰਦੜੀਅੇ ਬੜੀ ਔਖੀ,
ਗੱਲਾਂ ਕਰਨੀਆਂ ਢੇਰ ਸੁਲਖਨਿਆਂ ਨੇ,
ਜਿੰਨੇ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਚ ਪਿਆਰ ਪਾਇਆ,
ਓਹਨਾ ਲੱਖ ਮੁਸੀਬਤਾਂ ਝੱਲੀਆਂ ਨੇ."

Serving ones country is very difficult
It is so easy to talk though
Anyone who walked on that path
has to endure millions of calamities.

These were the lines of 19 year old Kartar Singh Sarabha while he was being executed by British in Lahore for his role in Gadhar conspiracy of 1915. The blatant lack of information about this revolutionary can be seen from the fact that most people do not know his full name. Kartar Singh Sarabha Grewal was 15 when he decided to go to USA for work. However, as soon as he stepped on the ports of San Francisco, his life changed. He could see discrimination against Indians in the foreign land as well, because they were considered slaves of the British. The Ghadar (Revolution) Party was formed by the Indians of California in 1913 and Sarabha played a prime role in it's publicity by printing propaganda papers and distributing them to Indians all over the world. These papers carried inflammatory and provocative ideas which stirred the Indians world wide and a sense of revolt started building up in them. 

On August 5, 1914 "war" was declared against the British Raj by Ghadar Party and Sarabha reached India soon thereafter. As the British sensed the urgency, a large number of party leaders were arrested on different ports of India. A wave of unrest was created among the subservient Indian soldiers and a major mutiny was planned for February 21, 1915. Sarabha was the hero of the struggle which brought many Indians into the fold and another great revolutionary to follow him, Bhagat Singh, was impressed by him at this very time. A mole in the ranks of the party informed the British Government about the planned mutiny 2 days before it was to be effectuated and thus many leaders were arrested and native soldiers disarmed. This led to the failure of an event which could have done a great damage to the British Raj. Many party leaders escaped the arrest and migrated to foreign lands but Sarabha saw it as a cowardly act. He again tried to create an unrest in the army ranks but was arrested and charged for conspiracy. The brave young leader was seen as a martyr and an inspiration for millions of Indians. The Indian freedom struggle got the push it needed from this brave soul at a tender age of 18.

I urge the History Channel to make a documentary on this leader to commemorate his achievements and extra ordinary courage. 

Jass Oberoi

January 26, 2011

Summary of today's INDIA

Our economy is like a balloon in random air current. I see it booming, I see it falling and the thing I don't see is the consistency. When I somehow see the consistency it's in individual parameters like rich getting richer, middle class getting more solidified (STICKING to the middle) and of course the poor getting poorer. I start doubting the term "developing" used to tag our economy then. If it's right then who's developing in this mess? The rich used to drive Mercedes earlier and now their kids are on to BMW's and other mean machines. The middle class used to drive marutis and fiats and their wards are on swifts and palios. The poor used to be on bicycles and their kids are still on them. So who has developed or is developing? I hear people saying our economy now gives 20,000 pm job to all the graduates. I say that's so good but what all can they do with that much money. Can they build a house for them in 5 years? Why has the inflation overpowered the buying capacity of our society?

And moreover is everyone getting 20,000 pm? I hear news about thousands of engineers, MBAs and lawyers applying for posts of constables and clerks. Is this their place? Punjab (one of the 28 states of INDIA) has 45 engineering colleges ie. around 20,000 engineers graduating every year. Do we have enough jobs for them? Are they all capable of being called engineers? Aren't we just fooling them around by getting lakhs from them for the studies? Aren't we just selling our degrees? Private dental colleges are coming up here and there at the speed of flowers blooming in the garden. We are producing BDS graduates at a faster rate than ever before. But where are the dental hospitals that can employ them to serve the people? Anybody with few acres of land and some wild money can build a college and then a group of colleges and then a university. Is the education field a business now?

Nobody in the cream wants to join the teaching line. The leftovers of the people who get employed in private sector finally select it as a profession though it should be opposite. Such teachers then produce such students and the cycle continues. Why can't academia be made as attractive as any other professional line. Why isn't the industry funding the research in our universities? Why can't they remove the tag of service providers and outsourcing hub from Indian industry and do something in research and development?

When I think of all these problems the most important thing that I zero in on is POPULATION. India doesn't have a potential to feed and serve so many and that should be realized and accepted. We need land to develop infrastructure but such a huge population needs vast tracts of irrigated land to be fed. We need housing for all, jobs for all, facilities for all and peace for all. Fill in 25 more people in the house you are currently living. Feels messy? That's what Indians are feeling now.

Indian administrative system needs to be transparent and bureaucracy has to be reformed for that. It's most of the middle class and the lower middle class which makes it to the top of IAS cadres. I wonder why can't they reform it then? Why do they start acting like dictators and crooked humans once they reach that point? We blame politicians and once we become one we just do the same. I am just one of you who has given bribes to get work done and used influences to fast track the processing of things.India has given a lot to the world in terms of human resources and it's only because those humans were made to believe that INDIA is not worth of their potential by the conditions prevailing in our country.

When will we change? Or will we ever?

March 06, 2010

Why is he disappointing me so much?

To mark his present term as a failure (till date) would be an over statement but not 100% false. Dr. Manmohan Singh has all it takes to be a good economist but he has forgotten that good economics is bad politics. Or maybe he doesn't have a say in the working of the present government as it's all messed up unlike the previous 5 years. Either he is ignoring the fact that we are not a developed nation and social buffering is required by our economy (like a baby needs the mother's milk) or he is busy defending his minister's actions be it good or bad or worse (wonder why Sharad Pawar is still the agriculture minister) for the sake of keeping the numbers on UPA's side.
Raising the price of oil was the last thing a semi-socialist govt can do when the food inflation is up at 19% already and half of the nation's population is not even getting the basic food elements in their diet.
Leaving economics on a side where is our PM when nation faces challenges like Naxalism or attack on it's citizens else where in the world? Why can't he be the face of the govt and address the nation?
I feel his intentions can't be wrong but being good at heart doesn't win you praises. He has to perform and perform well on the platform.(I hope I get to write something good about him the next time)

Jass Oberroi

May 25, 2009

History created!

On 22nd May 2009, history was created in the Rashtrapati Bhawan, India when Dr. Manmohan Singh was sworn in as the PM of the largest democracy in the world. After J.Lal Nehru he's the only one to have completed the full 5 year tenure and get re-elected for the successive term. Importantly the only thing that seems to have worked for him is his quest and endeavour for nation's development and his clean image. The electorate has shown faith in him and his leadership and defied the cliche that Indians often send the ruling party MPs packing to there party head quarters rather than the south or the north block. Be it the rural or the urban India, Congress has done well in both. I strongly believe that this government would not only carry on the previous good work but even challenge it's previous show to give India a very stable and able government. Congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Manmohan Singh.

April 17, 2009

Confused System!

I always knew that we had a solid inconsistency between what judiciary says and what bureaucracy does but a recent incident made that difference look so very obvious and unfortunately widely accepted by people. Few days back in Patiala, 2 men immolated themselves as a mark of protest against the district authorities who were against their private committee collecting funds at Kalidevi Mandir premises. Legally those 2 men tried to commit suicide and thus are criminals in the eyes of law but after one of them died later in hospital the Punjab govt made him a hero. A sum of rupees 10 lakh has been sanctioned to his family and a permanent govt job to one of his kin. Moreover his statue will be erected in the mandir’s parking lot equating him with the national heroes. What great work had this man done? Shame on the Punjab govt for committing such a blunder just for garnering few extra votes in the forthcoming elections.

February 28, 2008

Just a Thought!

In this confused world people fight for things not proved to be existing (personal gods) & ignore the things present everywhere (sufferings of fellow humans)... and the so called gods cant improve an inch of the situation... strange!

October 08, 2007

The story of an “iconic” PM

3 yrs ago when Dr. Manmohan S. was virtually gifted the post of Prime minister ship, every Tom Dick & Harry articulated paronomasias both within the congress and the opposition about him being the puppet & a dummy PM with reins resting with Sonia Gandhi. No one was ready to acknowledge the fact that the nation had got a well deserving erudite personality at the top position and things could change for the future, with every future PM’s credentials being compared with his impressive ones.

He started showing his clout & firmness with just few months in office through issues like getting Natwar S. expelled when he challenged him & snubbing HRD minister for his domineering decision by keeping non-aided institutions out of OBC quota and later by single handedly formulating the joint mechanism with Pak president. He reinforced the respect and the value he has in his party by making it pseudo mandatory for the Congress to stand by him on the Nuclear Deal issue which he single handedly clinched from US. His significance & purport in the party can be easily assessed by the fact that the party which could have ruled easily for 2 years more is ready to give up the ruling position and go to elections just because of the PM’s cogent stand and the obvious prestige of his associated with the deal.

This positive message means a lot to the congress party and the Indian political system that the men of integrity are respected and not let down even in a system which is seen to be the most doomed one.